The PTCC short hand form
This list is from PTCC International, and there you will also find some photos of some of the applications in the form. You will find the list here.
- Tai Chi at rest
- Ready position
- Beginning style
- Seven stars style
- Grasping bird's tail
- Single whip
- Cloud hands
- Pat the horse high
- Turn the body to face the left
- Right foot kicks out in a curve
- Step back seven stars style
- Step back to beat the tiger
- Twist the body and kick
- Box the ears
- Turn the body to face the right
- Left foot kicks out in a curve
- Turn around and kick with the right heel
- Brush knee twist step
- Step forward and punch down
- Step back swing fist
- Step back snake creeps down
- Step up seven stars
- Step back to ride the tiger
- Slap the face
- Double hand sweeps lotus leg
- Draw the bow to shoot the tiger
- Step back repulse monkey
- Seven stars style
- Stroke the lute
- Parry and punch
- As if shutting a door
- Embrace tiger and return to mountain
- Tai Chi in unity
- Completion