EDIT: The Regenyei sparring jian was discontinued in 2023.
These are the measurements we used for the final design of the Regenyei Jian Feder in 2016. The design is mainly based on the Royal Peony from Huanou, but we had to change the guard. The guard and pommel (in variant 1) is based on an antique militia jian owned by Peter Dekker. The pommel in variant 2 is from the Royal Peony. During development of this jian feder we created two prototypes to get the handling just right.
This model (…)
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Measurements for the Regenyei Jian Feder
27 April 2019 -
Workshop: Introduction to Sword Sparring
22 October 2016This is a two-day workshop that introduces the participants to sword sparring. No previous weapon experience is assumed.
Much time is spent on: Basic exercises to get familiar with the sword and how to move it. Footwork drills to get used to using the sword in coordination with movement.
Some time is spent on: Drills that bridge the gap between form and applications and free sparring.
Three sparring sessions are planned, one the first day and two the second day.
We first arranged (…) -
Taiji Sword by Wu Tunan (1936)
18 August 2016Presented here is a modified version of Paul Brennan’s translation of "Taiji Sword (太極劍)" published here with his permission. Be aware that Paul Brennan continously improves his translations with new updates, which means that the version presented here will diverge from the original as time passes.
The original up to date translation can always be found at Paul Brennans site:
The changes to this (…) -
Beställning av Regenyei Jian feder - april 2016
4 April 2016Nu är utvecklingen av vår Jian feder klar!
Det är utvecklad speciellt för sparring och har en rullad spets och viss flex i främre delen av klingan för ökad säkerhet i sticken. Den är även gjord för att ha korrekt historisk vikt och balans och funkar därför bra även för form och applikationer.
Vi har tagit fram det i två versioner, en standardversion och en version som har något kortare klinga och smalare grepp, se bilden nedan. Vikt och balans är samma för båda versionerna.
Observera (…) -
My Approach to Historical Chinese Swordsmanship
10 November 2015by Mattias Nyrell
This article describes my approach to teaching and practicing historical Chinese swordsmanship. It also attempts to describe what kind of swordsmanship we practice at our club.
What defines our style of JianFa?
The base for everything we do is the Chinese martial art Tai Chi Chuan (TCC), as taught within the Dan Docherty / Cheng Tin-Hung lineage. This branch of TCC is also called Wudang TCC or Practical TCC.
The style of JianFa I teach is primarily defined by the (…) -
The Tai Chi Chuan Long Form (English only)
23 August 2015This list is from PTCC International, and there you will also find some video clips of some of the techniques. You will find the list here.
The form is divided into six sections which is marked in the list below.
Section 1 The ready style (Wu Chi) The Tai Chi beginning style (Vanguard arms, Extend the arms) The seven stars style Grasping the bird’s tail The single whip Flying oblique Raise hands and step up (Single then Double seize the legs) White (…) -
The PTCC advanced short hand form
23 August 2015This list is from PTCC International, and there you will also find some photos of some of the applications in the form. You will find the list here.
Tai chi at rest Ready style Beginning style (tui peng, jun ji) a. Step aside flying oblique low
b. High Raise hands step up White crane flaps wings Embrace tiger and return to mountain Cross hands Oblique brush knee twist step Turn body brush knee twist step Seven stars style right Grasping bird’s tail Oblique (…) -
The PTCC short hand form
23 August 2015This list is from PTCC International, and there you will also find some photos of some of the applications in the form. You will find the list here.
Tai Chi at rest Ready position Beginning style Seven stars style Grasping bird’s tail Single whip Cloud hands Pat the horse high Turn the body to face the left Right foot kicks out in a curve Step back seven stars style Step back to beat the tiger Twist the body and kick Box the ears Turn the body to face the (…) -
PTCC Spear form (English only)
23 August 2015This list is from PTCC International. You will find the list here.
Ready style Tai Chi beginning style Facing the wind blowing the willow The waves going up and down Obstructing the river to intercept the dipper Green dragon stretching its claws Giant python turning its head Golden dragon swinging it’s tail Giving the horse its head while chasing enemies The black-eared kite flies and the fish leaps Golden cockerel nodding its head A white rainbow (…) -
PTCC Sabre form (English only)
23 August 2015This list is from PTCC International. You will find the list here.
Ready Style Tai Chi beginning style Grasping bird’s tail Brush knee twist step Separating the sabre Dodge and display the sabre Picking a star on the left Advance to tease the genitals Withdraw to divert with the sabre Pierce the heart Hang the golden bell on the left Push open the window to watch the moon Swivel and chop Swivel and tease the genitals Hanging the golden bell on the left (…)